But it's got a few decent bits, it's fair to say. Monkey Island's first 3D game lacked the gonzo spark of the first two, and most would argue even the charm of the less popular third, and it's fair to say that its proto-3D graphics have aged a whole lot worse than have its 2D predecessors. I'm not sure I'd actually want to revisit MI4, but I do feel a powerful urge to own it, in that troublesome need to revisit one's childhood that seems to affect so many near-40s nerks such as myself. And perhaps the news that the entire Lucas-Monkey family is currently discounted by over 50% will lure in those seeking a bath of calm nostalgia after the sound and fury and E3. In any case, the collector urge is a powerful one - Escape has for some time been exclusively available via GOG, but perhaps the news that it has all of a sudden gone DRM-free will sway the minds of the Steam-or-bust crowd. Some people of at least partially sound mind, including our John, might argue that it's not the worst either. Nobody of even 10% sound mind would argue that Escape From Monkey Island, the fourth in Lucasarts' gaggle of madcap, piratical use x on y 90s/00s adventures, is the highlight of the series.