There are several memorable locations you’ll visit in Wolfenstein such as the sewers, a tavern, a paranormal base, a castle and even a large zeppelin. As the events of the game progress, you’ll witness the environments become more mystical and supernatural.įor example, Nazi military patrols might begin to appear as supernatural creatures. These crystals are essential to accessing the Black Sun dimension. The Nazi’s set martial law in order to further their plans to excavate Nachtsonne crystals from the environment. The events of Wolfenstein take place in Isenstadt, a town affected by World War II. The villains are also memorable, although their plans are still cliché in classic Wolfenstein fashion. The game takes place in the fictional town of Isenstadt during World War II, and it features a wild cast of characters that will accompany you. Wolfenstein follows the main character of William “B.J.” Blazkowicz on a mission to stop the occult Nazis from accessing otherworldly dimensions of mystical powers. This game might not be the most celebrated or successful installment in the franchise, however, it managed to leave an impact during its time. The Nazi-killing pioneer of the FPS genre made a short comeback in 2009 with the self-titled Wolfenstein 2009.